By far my most extensive project until this point. ODYS is a VR-Game Prototype for the Oculus Quest and actually my first experience with Unity and game design in general.
This project was actually a group effort and while I did most of the work in Unity it wouldn´t have been possible without:
I guess the best way to showcase ODYS is the finished prototype in the video above. The recording was made on the Quest 2 on which the game runs without a connection to a computer.

With this project I don´t even know where to start. It took a ton of work and learning new tools like blender and of course Unity but despite it´s scope we basically only worked on it for four months in total.

Isa and me even created some artwork, 2D and 3D.

The foundation for everything we did in Unity had to be a 3D-modeling tool. We decided to use blender because the workflow just seemed quicker as in Cinema 4D which we already knew at this point but that also meant learning another new software.

A quick view inside Unity. As you can see we were using Bolt as a visual scripting tool instead of C#.

The player controller is based on the ones you can find in the Oculus Integration for Unity but of course we had to modify it to fit our game and work properly with what we had envisioned.

Isa even created some animated shaders in Shader Graph which turned out really well.

ODYS seemed impossible at first: We had no experience in Unity and with scripting and decided to make the jump from Cinema to blender.
It took hundreds of hours of work to get the project to where it is now while basically having to learn everything ourselves through Youtube or trial and error but it was absolutely worth it.
ODYS is one of my projects im probably most proud of and from which I learned the most: Mainly that every software and tool is learnable with enough time and effort.